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Trough But Enough

-04.04.2024- Indeed, I experienced a breakdown. And I never expected I would possibly react so drastically. Before starting to describe...

Moonlight Muddling

-11.02.2023- What counts for moonlight? I Wonder As if one day should it matter to me. Is it The pale skin of a lonely boulder Drifting...

Picking Up

-02.04.2024- Yesterday night, or technically this morning at about 4 am, I was planning to record the last projected piece for my first...


-01.29.2024- Although the first tedious post I made here is unlike many of the archived ones, which was basically day-to-day rap-up of a...

Decipher Attempt

-10.31.2023- Be it a Gait hovering back and forth in my mind. Be it Le Noir et Le Rouge being dressed, and I always addressed. Be it...

Jot Instant 101

-10.21.2023- I’m glad I lost myself In a guitarist flow. First time it’s not me emerging from notes but you. It’s the spots whirling on...

You Not Me

-Wrote on 09.22.2023, Edited on 10.13.2023- I can write a thousand mawkish poems; Yet it is too hard to moan for who you are. I can’t see...


-09.15.2023- It's distinct enough to link a ravishing blink. Two swings made, a sinking dream, fading ink. Got a nature of oblique, over...

Le Noir et Le Rouge

-08.24.2023- Le noir et le rouge are not like Black and white That stand in opposite, Defined in a clear line. Those cannot be blended,...


-08.13.2023- Good morning! Have you ever wondered How sunflower mourns At the sinking orange? The language of it speaks In silent leaves,...

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