Tim Xiaotian FanDeclassified SlothIt's all about the balance - right?-10.27.2024- On Norman, “Emotion & Design: Attractive things work better.” Aesthetics vs. function, durability vs. lightness, artistic...
Tim Xiaotian FanDeclassified SlothExcerpt From Mix Against a Preoccupied Notion-10.22.2024- What makes mixing so difficult? The answer could be the complications of the signal chain, the details in tweaking...
Tim Xiaotian FanDeclassified SlothReflection on Attempting to Define Interactivity-09.14.2024- On The Art of Interactive Design, Ch. 1 By all means, this passage intrigued me first by its plain and candid tone and...
Tim Xiaotian FanDeclassified SlothSensation Seized My Sound & On Sol Invictus By Herve Koubi-09.10.2024- Imaginatively kinetic contemporary and urban dance. Above is the byline on Sol Invictus's poster. By all means, there's no...
Tim Xiaotian FanDeclassified SlothRandomness and Control on Generative Arts and Beyond-09.08.2024- This reflection was written on Eyeo2012 - Casey Reas By all means, what does 'generative' stand for? And what about...
Tim Xiaotian FanDeclassified SlothOn The Balance of Musicking - What is a GOOD mix?-09.05.2024- It is often said that we first discern, and then we improve. Good vs. bad, lurking in this simplistic balance is the grey...
Tim Xiaotian FanDeclassified SlothOn Portrait, Self-Portrait, and Narrative-08.27.2024- Sometimes I wonder if there is indeed some force behind coincidence - especially when those coincidences are of my...
Tim Xiaotian FanDeclassified SlothMixing Engineer - A Conductor Behind the Curtain?-08.26.2024- Today is the first day of my college life. Maybe it is because I was encouraged to (or actually reminded of) keep...