Black and white be the choice. Stayed inside is mellow wine. Something he vowed to refuse With every drop of glowing ooze. Tacitly leach, teetotal defeated; But to face his betrayal of determination, Of one, two, three excuses boast to name. Glad, Forfeited farewell forbids fair to tell, A concocted reasoning terrifies all. He learned his words stand for nil, So good, after all, for roses to wilt, Disturb not some tranquil smell. It’s not his time – That’s the last relief. Still another way around should do: Rationalized only here when it’s typed. Nowhere can the first order be found as Fearful faith, said inadvertent remarks, Reminded distinct demarcation Between candid revelation And overreaching imposition. That sheer solitude always acts as A justified pardon parries their art. Loathing idoled idea, yet that idol Loiters on should be nothing ceilings When fevered mind stares at his ideal. Treacherous lust lowered its hay To at least keep a roseate dream Of that fading monolith, of ruby haze, From seedy stealth, committed as a sloth. Oh, profligate: The most corporal, ostensible, The most superficial. Driven so badly in the wilderness with no regret. Wasted so decent in indulgent credential. Suasion to be a silver lining against convolution. Ends in simple common annihilation. Boo, narcissist: The most pretentious, mannered, The most self-conscious. So much received results in so much conceived. So bulging belief leads to precarious appeals. Hold on, wait until the ultimatum Allows soaring ego fortunately to roar no vowel. Alas, coward clown: The most equivocal, ambivalent, The most pusillanimous. The virtuoso of concealing while breached By impulsion of revealing And daily basis deceiving. As if it absolves unscrupulousness. Yet such a figure dares claim humane, Wooing monochrome crimson in sane. Rather valiant attempts only never conducted? Or delirium of the shameless, Forgotten years of yore? No clue valid, because of the three figures seen. All blush could flush away.