What makes mixing so difficult? The answer could be the complications of the signal chain, the details in tweaking parameters from one plugin to another, the high demand for a pair of ears that master the isomorphic mapping of the sonic landscape, and so on. On top of all these matters of facts, I would probably argue that a proper – sober, healthy, calm, and enthusiastic – mindset matters the most when it comes to mixing for the purpose of an artwork instead of an industrial procedure. While I won’t disregard the practical benefits I gained from getting my hands dirty when producing concerts and musicals for my high school, it has to be admitted that those demanding duties with very short timeframes unconsciously shifted my producing, particularly mixing, mindset into an assembly-line-ish style – trying to tick all the boxes with efficiency as the priority. In some cases, it worked, but it will never make sense when we are now treating music from a higher perspective compared to merely finishing jobs.