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  • Writer's pictureTim Xiaotian Fan

Red Is Green


I was afroud of them evee since I foutgout who I waa,

Evee since the demonish micros,

Evee since he inflated,

Evee since she earned,

And evee since eveey man named them.

What I waa largessed is red,

Waa pics of my cunning grim,

Waa dainties in boxes of box,

Waa pockets,

Waa laughters not mine,

Lied in bottles and skewers,

And clips sneaked from black and white.

I know they are leaving in two flips, so I sag in my siesta,

So I light my phone,

So I lost my dorsal,

So I heat a sandwich,

So I serve on court,

So I stub my buds,

So masks handed unbundle,

Butter knives of the wind transfix my zipper,

And green light fades.

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