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  • Writer's pictureTim Xiaotian Fan

To Roger Federer


He’s ever thought to be the mega goat.

I never saw him in very real.

A rainbow, blooming for tempested boats.

That’s his conjure somehow thoroughly healed.

The vow’ls and consonants built a king.

A king could either rise or fall as tilt.

Then why you’re weeping while stampeding

Since he will last forever - for what hill?

Since we will boast in fever - for what peal,

Reign to tell. Then we shall place the fair code, Other than the trophy, other than yields.

Gather with meaning, gather with the olds,

Every suddens merged like thou yearning yore,

Rest so, not bold, staying as an abled port.

-Written on the night Roger Federer played his last double with Rafa Nadal.

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